Edward Weston


Pepper No. 30 (1930), Edward Weston

Pepper No.30 is probably the most famous green pepper of the planet, which had a chance to be still life model of Edward Weston in 1930. This photograph is one of the pepper collection photos he took in 1930. The photograph depicts high-density black and white tones.

This photograph took in highly figurative composition, and looks like a person holds his head by his muscular arms. Perfect curves of subject illuminated by above source of light.

Shadows have equal importance as the highlight areas. Twisty lines of subject are drawn on all parts of the pepper, and tied on the top.There is no straight or angular line in this piece of work.

Circular texture of the backdrop in front of the photograph push the line of sight toward the subject, where the subject lets your eyes to move and discover the whole volume of the green pepper in black and whit photograph.

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